Friday, April 24, 2009

and this is what i think...

Breast cancer is the leading killer of women in the United States. Most women don't have the information needed, or the resources to fight this illness. Many women do not know that they should be getting a mammogram every year, and if they do they don't stay committed to following up. This is the biggest mistake any women could make, when breast cancer can be detected in its early stages and lives can be saved.
I discovered when I was sitting in class and my teacher asked, "What do you care about?". Many different issues had crossed my mind but cancer is what concerns me the most. I wanted to learn more about why women walk in the breast cancer walk, and why there are pink ribbons on the back of cars, and why every cared so much. Why pushing awareness and fighting cancer was so important. I see why now. So many women are suffering and lives are being taken away from lack of knowledge and the unwillingness to be checked from being afraid. But that is why there is so much promotion for awareness. They want women to take a stand and fight back. To be strong and band together, and donate to help research for cures and medicines. Each woman is entitled to their life and breast cancer should not be the reason our American women are dying. We are strong and we will make a difference.
I have learned so much about protecting myself, letting women know how to protect themselves. Statistics show that women are becoming more aware of their health and breast cancer and being screened. But this is only the beginning.


  1. I am glad you have learned a little bit more about Breast Cancer Awareness and can share it with others. How is congress involved with Breast Cancer research?

  2. Thanks for the comment and your concern. To anser your question Congress is being involved with breast cancer reasearch by giving money to certain organizations and medicine centers to help fund research for new medicines and possibly a cure.
